The Comstock Laws Considered as to Their Constitutionality: Being T.B. Wakeman's Faneuil Hall Speech, Letter from James Parton, Replies to the Index, etc. New York: D.M. Bennett, Liberal Publisher, 1878.
Encyclopédie; ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, par une société de gens de lettres. Mis en ordre & publié par M. Diderot ... & quant à la partie mathématique, par M. d'Alembert. A Paris, Chez Briasson ...David ...Le…
Furetiére, Antoine. Dictionnaire universel; contenant generalement tous les mots françois tant vieux que modernes, et les termes des sciences et des arts: tome premier. A-D. Hague, chez P. Husson, T. Johnson [etc.] 1727.
Vice Versus Reason: A Copy of the Bill of Indictment, Found at the Old Bailey Sessions, January 16, 1819, Against Richard Carlile, for Publishing Paine's Age of Reason. London: Printed and Published by R. Carlile, 1819.
Foxe, John. The Ecclesiasticall History, Contayning the Actes & Monuments of Thinges Passed in Every Kinges Time, in this Realme, Especially in the Churches of England Principally to be Noted with a Full Discourse of such Persecutions, Horrible…