Muse and Confidante: the Angelica Schuyler Church Archive
Angelica Schuyler Church was the daughter of General Philip John Schuyler, a Major General in the Continental Army and a member of the Continental Congress. She married John Barker Church, a British businessman. Mrs. Church traveled in social circles that included the most prominent figures of her time.
The Church archive contains correspondence from the period of the founding of America, including letters from two of the Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, whose personal and political differences helped shape the course of political dialogue in the early days of the country. Both Hamilton and Jefferson write to Mrs. Church with a combination of intimacy and respect.
"Muse and Confidante" was co-curated by Michael Plunkett, Director of Special Collections, and Lucie Wall Stylianopoulos, Science and Engineering Library. The exhibition was on view in the Tracy W. McGregor Room, Alderman Library, University of Virginia, September through December 1996.