At right: At right: Benjamin Colman. The Judgments of Providence in the Hand of Christ. His Voice to us in the terrible earthquake, and the earth devoured by the curse. In four sermons. Boston: printed for J. Phillips at the Stationers-arms on the south side of the Town-house, T. Hancock at the Bible and three Crowns near the town dock, 1727.
At right: Thomas Prince. Earthquakes the Works of God, and tokens of His just displeasure. Two sermons on Psal. XVIII.7. at the particular fast in Boston, Nov. 2. and the general thanksgiving, Nov. 9. occasioned by the late dreadful earthquake. Wherein among other things is offered a brief account of the natural causes of these operations in the hands of God. With a relation of some late terrible ones in other parts of the world, as well as those that have been perceived in New-England since its settlement by English inhabitants. By Thomas Prince, M.A., and one of the pastors of the South Church in Boston. Boston: printed for D. Henchman, over against the Brick Meeting House in Cornhill, 1727. From the Tracy W. McGregor Library of American History.
At right: Jonathan Mayhew. Practical Discourses delivered on occasion of the earthquakes in November, 1755. Wherein is particularly shown, by a variety of arguments, the great importance of turning our feet unto God's testimonies, and of making haste to keep his Commandments, together with the reasonableness, the necessity, and great advantage, of a serious consideration of our ways. Boston: Printed and sold by Richard Draper, in Newbury-street, and Edes and Gill, in Queen-street, 1760. From the Tracy W. McGregor Library of American History.