We would like to thank Melinda Baumann, the Electronic Information Services Librarian for the Reference and Information Services Department, Alderman Library, for curating this exhibition.
The curator would like to thank Benjamin Levy (CLAS '01), who provided all of the information for the Entartete Musik display case and the corresponding music clips; Dan Costanzo (CLAS '99), for providing a detailed summary of the censorship of historical textbooks; Mary Prendergast, Assistant Music Librarian, for providing editorial support; Michael Tuite, Digital Media Center, for getting the film clips set up; John Baumann and Dave Rodgers, for providing editorial comments about censored films; Linda Lester, Director of the Alderman Library Reference and Information Services Department, for providing the curator with release time to pursue this project; and the wonderful folks at LEO, for retrieving and delivering countless books and articles.
Thanks also to our lenders: The University of Virginia Bayly Art Museum, the Library of Congress, and the Margaret Sanger Center of Planned Parenthood of New York City.
Graphic design for poster and banner by Josef Beery.
Materials from the physical exhibit were digitized by staff in the Special Collections Digital Center using the center's Epson Expression 800 scanners, Kontron ProgRes model 3012 digital camera and PhotoPhase Plus digital camera. Images were enhanced for web display using Debabelizer 3.0 and Adobe Photoshop 5.0. The digital exhibit is optimized for viewing on a monitor that supports the display of 24-bit color.
All banners for the original digital version of "Censored: Wielding the Red Pen" were designed by Edward Gaynor, Associate Director Special Collections. Site construction was managed by Felicia Johnson, Assistant Director, Special Collections Digital Center.
This site was included in the Scout Report, 3 November 2000.
The current site was built in Omeka by the Online Library Environment team.
Melinda Baumann has been a reference librarian at the University of Virginia since 1993. While she now spends much of her time taking care of finicky databases, she has a liberal arts background from her days at William Smith College (B.A. '86). Having graduated with a degree in English and Women's Studies, she eventually discovered that no one was hiring poets. She then fell into library work and fell in love with it. Baumann obtained her Masters in Library Science at Syracuse University in 1992, and pulled up roots from her life-long home in upstate New York to move to the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Baumann's interest in the topic of censorship derives naturally from her job as a librarian, a profession steeped in the ideals of academic freedom. She has been delighted to do her own research project after many years of helping others work on theirs, and feels most fortunate to have had at her disposal one of the finest research libraries in the country.