This electronic text was created as a Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) text, and then converted automatically to HTML. What follows is the TEI header:
<!DOCTYPE ota system 'uva.dtd'> <ota> <header type=aacr2> <fileDesc> <titlStmt> <title>Lady Freedom among us [a machine-readable transcription]</title> <author>Dove, Rita</author> <resp><role>Creation of machine-readable version:</role> <name>David Seaman, University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center</name></resp> <resp><role>Conversion to TEI-conformant markup</role> <name>University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center</name></resp> </titlStmt> <extent>ca. 4 kilobytes</extent> <pubStmt> <resp><name>University of Virginia Library</name> <role>publisher</role></resp> <address>Charlottesville, Va.</address> <idno type="ETC">Modern English, DovLady</idno> <avail> <p>Available for anonymous ftp at etext.lib.virginia.edu, and at the following URL: http://www.lib.virginia.edu/etext/fourmill.html</p> <p>Copies of this file are also available to UVa faculty, staff, and students; please contact the Electronic Text Center.</p> </avail> <date>1994</date> </pubStmt> <serStmt></serStmt> <noteStmt> <note>Digital images of the pages from the Janus Press version created by David Seaman, Electronic Text Center. The HTML copy also includes sound files of Rita Dove reading the poem, and background information on the Janus Press and on the poet, provided by Rick Provine, Multimedia Resource Center. </note> </noteStmt> <srcDesc> <biblFull> <titlStmt> <title>Lady Freedom among us</title> <author>Rita Dove</author></titlStmt> <extent></extent> <pubStmt> <resp><role>publisher</role><name>Janus Press</name></resp> <address>West Burke, Vermont</address> <date>[1994[, c1993</date> </pubStmt> <serStmt></serStmt> <noteStmt> <note>"Copy number one of this edition of one hundred was added to the collections of the University of Virginia Library on 8 November 1994 as its four-millionth volume and in honor of United States Poet Laureate Rita Dove, Commonwealth Professor of English at the University of Virginia."</note> <note>"The text is Century Schoolbook printed on Mohawk Superfine at the Janus Press in West Burke Vermont in 1994; the handmade papers are Sky blue from MacGregor & Vinzani in Whiting Maine, Gelatin sisized white and Mica rose from Twinrocker in Brookston Indiana. The slipcases were made by Mary Richardson and Judy Conant in Guildhall Vermont. Images and design are by Claire Van Vliet with cutting executed by Audrey Holden. ... and edition of one hundred plus ten hors commerce copies ...."</note> <note>"This poem was read at the occasion of the return of the statue Freedom to the dome of the Capitol on 23 October 1993."</note> </noteStmt> </biblFull> </srcDesc> </fileDesc> <encDesc> <projDesc> <p>Prepared for the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center</p> </projDesc> <editDecl> <p>Verification made against printed text.</p> <p id=ETC>Keywords in the header are a local Electronic Text Center scheme to aid in establishing analytical groupings.</p> </editDecl> <refsDecl><p>ID elements are given for each page element and are composed of the text's unique cryptogram and the given page number, as in SpeFQue1 for page one of Spenser's Faerie Queene.</p> </refsDecl> </encDesc> <profDesc> <creation> <date>1994</date> </creation> <langUse> <language>English</language> </langUse> <txtClass> <keywords scheme=ETC>Fiction; poetry</keywords></txtClass> </profDesc> <revDesc> <change> <date>November 7, 1994</date> <resp> <name>Edward Gaynor, University of Virginia Library,Cataloging Services Dept.</name> <role>TEI header completed</role> </resp> </change> <change> <date>October, 1994</date> <resp><name>David Seaman</name> <role>TEI tagging added, and parsed against uva.dtd. Images scanned, and HTML copy generated.</role></resp> </change> </revDesc> </header>