A multitude of officials, women, and idealized Southern scenes appeared on Confederate and state currency. White women appeared as the personification and patrons of beauty, family, home, gentility and as goddesses of war and agriculture. Seven examples are displayed:
July 21, 1861
One-dollar Virginia treasury note. A woman as representative of agriculture and prosperity.
July 25, 1861
Ten-dollar Confederate treasury note (facsimile). Women as Confederate warriors and patriots.
October 16, 1861
One-dollar North Carolina treasury note. Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture
October 1861
One-dollar Bank of Tennessee (Nashville) note. Women as patrons of home and agriculture
March 13, 1862
Five-dollar Virginia treasury note. A woman as destroyer of tyranny.
March 15, 1862
One dollar and fifty cents, Bank of Rockbridge, Lexington, Virginia: A woman as destroyer of tyranny
Ca. 1862
Twenty-dollar Missouri defence bond. Woman as goddess of prosperity. African-American women were conspicuously absent from Confederate currency though they comprised nearly half the South's black population.