Rosser letter, 1864

Gen. Thomas Rosser and Rosser Family Papers, #1171-G

The postscript of this July 3, 1864 letter by Elizabeth Winston Rosser (wife of Confederate General Thomas L Rosser) matter-of-factly mentions the search of a mutual acquaintance's home: "The Yankees searched their house about fifty times and took every thing they could lay their eyes on."

School girl letter, 1864

Edgehill School Letter, #38-421

Southern women compared reactions after initial encounters with their Yankee foes. In this letter of April 10, 1864, written two months after a Union cavalry raid near Charlottesville, Virginia, "Nellie," an Albemarle County school girl, writes her cousin: "You asked me if I was much frightened when the Yankees came so near they came within a mile of us the fight was only two or three miles from here we could hear the cannon very distinctly. I was not frightened much not half as much as I expected."


De Fontaine, F. G. (Felix Gregory), Marginalia; or, Gleanings From an Army Note-Book, by "Personne," Columbia, South Carolina: Steam Power-Press of F.G. DeFontaine, 1864.

The anecdote "The Ladies of Fredericksburg," recounts the fierce heroism of Confederate women in guarding their homes and defending male relatives.

Young girl's letter, 1865

"Laura to Edith" Letter, #2929

Confederate women continued to express defiance after their homes and towns fell to Union forces. Here "Laura," a young girl, describes her disgust of General Philip Sheridan and his "hateful flag" during the occupation of Charlottesville, Virginia, March 1865.

Hawxhurst letter, 1865

Morrill Civil War Collection, #11031

Union soldier Wilbur F. Hawxhurst, stationed in Chattanooga, Tennessee, attached this calotype print of an unidentified young Atlanta woman to his May 31, 1865 letter to his brother and sister; in a faded pencilled postscript he adds "dont know her got it in the Gallery."