Many members of the Special Collections staff deserve thanks for their help with this exhibition. Kathryn Morgan and Michael Plunkett have been enthusiastic about the subject from the very beginning, and they have remained so until the very end. George Riser has been indispensable in tracking down obscure holdings and preparing exhibition cases and display cards. Christina Deane, Margaret Hrabe, Heather Moore, and the entire public services staff have been models of patience and kindness. Ken Jensen shepherded this catalogue through the publication process; Felicia Johnson and Edward Gaynor coordinated its online version. Special thanks to the many student workers who have pulled hundreds of books related to this project over the years.
Other individuals who made this exhibition possible include George F. Thompson of the Center for American Places in Harrisonburg, Virginia; Doug Armato, Jessica Pigza, and Hilary Reeves of the Johns Hopkins University Press; and Robert C. Brickhouse, Alan B. Howard, Pauline M. Page, and Nancy A. Tramontin of the University of Virginia.
Finally, many of the words and much of the spirit of this exhibition belong to Michael P. Branch of the University of Nevada, Reno, whose support and inspiration have been unceasing. This catalogue could not have been completed without his fine scholarship and close friendship, both of which I gratefully acknowledge here.
Financial support for the research on which this exhibition is based has been provided by the Raven Society and the Department of English at the University of Virginia. Financial support for the publication of the print catalogue was provided by Paul Mellon and the Associates of the University of Virginia Library.
This exhibition was mounted in conjunction with the 11th International Conference of the Society for the History of Natural History, meeting 27-29 April 1997 in the Department of Special Collections.
Portions of the text are reprinted from The Height of Our Mountains: Nature Writing from Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains and Shenandoah Valley, edited by Michael P. Branch and Daniel J. Philippon. Copyright © 1997 by the Johns Hopkins University Press. Used by permission of the publisher.
The current website was built in Omeka by the Online Library Environment team in 2013.