Blasons et Contreblasons
(Click on the call number to view the digital facsimile of the book.)
Sensuiuent les blasons anatomiques du corps femenin,: ensemble les contreblasons de nouueau composez, & additionez, auec les figures, le tout mis par ordre:/ composez par plusieurs poetes contemporains. Auec la table desdictz blasons & contreblasons imprimez en ceste annee.
[Paris] : Pour Charles Langelier, 1543
Description: 86, [2] leaves: ill.; 12 cm. (16mo)
Binder: Chambolle-Duru
About This Edition
A first edition of the works of Clément Marot’s blason competition was published in 1536, appended to another work of emblematic poetry, and was subsequently augmented and reedited several times. The first collection bearing the title of Blasons was published in 1543 for Charles L'Angelier. In The Sixteenth-Century Blason Poetique (Bern: Peter Lang, 1981), Alison Saunders identifies this copy of the Blasons in the Douglas Gordon Collection (then still his private collection) as one of only two known copies of this important edition:
"Of the various editions of these poems, it is that produced in 1543 for Charles L'Angelier which surpasses all the others in the number of poems it contains, the accuracy of its text and the sophistication of its printing. Unfortunately it is also this edition which is the least accessible of all, since the only two known copies are both housed in private collections." —Saunders, p. 325