William R. Mead to Paul Barringer

"If no final arrangements have been made we can only say we should consider it an honor to be associated with the work..."

5 November, 95

My dear Doctor-

Your letter of the 29th was received at the office while I was on the ocean returning from Europe,
which will account for my not answering it immediately. I presume matters have taken such shape in the meantime that I can only say how much we all regret the calamity which has befallen the University in the loss of a building that was one of the architectural monuments of the country--and our hope that its reconstruction has fallen into reverent hands-

It would indeed be a misfortune if some one tries to be original and improve on what has gone before--except perhaps as to interior arrangement-- If no final arrangements have been made we can only say we should consider it an honor to be associated with the work and apart from our actual expense should not consider the money side of the matter. These expenses from our past experience would amount to about 3 per cent on the expenditure. Thanking you for thinking of us

I am
Very truly yours
Wm. R. Mead