Project Acknowledgements
Many people from numerous organizations contributed to the success of the Yeardley’s Fort salvage project. Joseph Jones and Charles Hodges of WMCAR (William and Mary Center for Archaeological Research) wrote the project proposal. Mike Barber, Randolph Turner, and Dave Hazzard (Virginia Division of Historic Resources) were helpful in obtaining state funding for the project. Curt Moyer (College of William and Mary Department of Anthropology) and KarenShriver (Curator, Flowerdew Hundred Collection, University of Virginia) provided archival materials relating to previous excavations. Eric Deetz helped re-establish contacts with the Harrison family through Anne Armstrong and Mary Keevil, who not only granted owner permission but donated topsoil to the project and eagerly followed the project results. Cliff Mealer, the Flowerdew Hundred Farm Manager, and heavy equipment contractor Jesse James, were helpful throughout the project.
WMCAR staff contributions: the fieldwork was co-directed by William Moore and Charles Hodges who also both mapped the site. WMCAR field excavations were greatly assisted by graduate students and employees Eric Agin, Jack Aube, Stephanie Bergman, Jerry Blake, Amy Garrett, Jonathan Heck, Dessa Lightfoot, Oliver Mueller-Heubach, Jesse West-Rosenthal, Zach Waske, and Thomas Young. Deborah Davenport and William Moore provided laboratory assistance in identifying and cataloguing the artifacts. Eric Agin and David Lewes helped coordinate the graphics and final report authored by William Moore, Charles Hodges, and the Project Director Joe B. Jones. Mary Ellen Hodges assisted WMCAR PowerPoint presentations.
We would also like to thank and acknowledge the following field volunteers and colleagues to the project: Field volunteers Mike Barber, Dave Hazzard, Lyle Browning, Taft Kiser, Laura Powell, Elizabeth Jordan, Jamie May, Josh Duncan, Karen Shriver, Hayden Bassett, Joe Jones, Will Moore, and Charley Hodges. Andrew Edwards brought his archaeological apprentices from Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and shared his first hand knowledge of the site. We also thank historians Martha McCartney and Edward Ayers for their lively interest in the site and their friendly field visits. Martin Gallivan (College of William and Mary Department of Anthropology) kindly loaned a laser transit. Special thanks goes to Mike Barber whose Homelite water pump loan allowed us to successfully battle the powerful and ever changing James River. Much credit goes to Leverette “Lefty” Gregory, who, in 1972, first called this site “The Fort” or “Fortified Area.” Dr. Charlton Gilmore Holland, of the University of Virginia, and Dr. Benjamin McCary, of the College of William and Mary, first found the site in 1949. Without original excavation funding by David A. Harrison III in the 1970s--through Dr. Norman Barka of the College of William and Mary--this project would not have been possible.