Agnes Newton Keith. Land Below the Wind. Armed Services Edition [F-167]. UVa
Soldiers who were sent to new parts of the globe could read more about the countries they visited, as well as other exotic lands, in the ASE's.

Gontran de Poncins. Kabloona: Adventure in the Arctic. Armed Services Edition [C-82]. UVa

Sholem Asch. The Apostle. Armed Services Edition [J-299]. UVa
Some ASE's had religious themes, for example Henry Emerson Fosdick's essays, or Sholem Asch's novel based on the life of St. Paul.

Harry Emerson Fosdick. On Being a Real Person. Armed Services Edition [D-105]. UVa

George W. Gray. Science at War. Armed Services Edition [L-22]. UVa
Fiction dominated the ASE list, but a substantial minority of the titles were non-fiction, a number of which explored science.

Paul B. Sears. Deserts on the March. Armed Services Edition [I-247]. UVa

Beryl Markham. West with the Night. Armed Services Edition [F-166]. UVa
Gl's who were fascinated by the aircraft of the war could read about aviation in the ASE's.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Night Flight. Armed Services Edition [F-152]. UVa