The ASE edition of Ward's Frank Leahy and the Fighting Irish featured a photograph of the book's original dustjacket, which contained a picture of Frank Leahy himself. ASE's were bound together by staples as well as with glue to thwart vermin and keep the leaves together even when wet. Note the sturdy staples centered on the spine side of the front covers of ASE's.
The back cover of each ASE featured a glowing review of its contents and a brief biography of the author. The back cover of this ASE edition of When Worlds Collide proclaims: "One of the most exciting imaginative stories ever written! . . . We defy you to read a single chapter and go to bed without finishing it!"
Virginia Woolf's long novel, The Years, was produced in the larger of ASE's two formats, printed on a pulp magazine press. The dual-column design of the text pages was intended to reduce eye strain.