One of the problems in collecting ASE's today is finding them in good condition. One of these two copies of Selected Short Stories of Philip Wylie is in virtually mint condition; the other copy has seen a lot of action while folded in half and stuffed into a pocket.
Among the ASE editions most prized by collectors are several books made only as ASE's. Notable among these "made" books is a William Faulkner collection put together for the series and given the title, A Rose for Emily and Other Stories. The illustration on the front of the ASE (showing the cover of what appears to be an earlier edition of A Rose for Emily) depicts a book that never was.

F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Diamond As Big As the Ritz and Other Stories. Armed Services Edition [1043]. UVa
Another ASE prized by bibliophiles is a "made" collection of Fitzgerald stories, The Diamond As Big As the Ritz and Other Stories.

Joan Crane. Willa Cather: A Bibliography. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1982, open to pp. 72-73
Book collectors focusing on a particular writer may well wish to own ASE and other interesting reprint editions of that writer, as well as first editions. Joan Crane's definitive descriptive bibliography of the works of Willa Cather includes a careful description of the ASE edition of My Antonia as part of a detailed account of the many editions of this novel. Which of the two copies of the ASE edition shown would you prefer owning?