![Detail showing Flowerdew Hundred and Windmill Point, from Joshua Fry and Peter Jefferson, Map of the Inhabited Part of Virginia.... London: Thos. Jefferys, [1751]. Detail showing Flowerdew Hundred and Windmill Point, from Joshua Fry and Peter Jefferson, Map of the Inhabited Part of Virginia.... London: Thos. Jefferys, [1751].](https://explore.lib.virginia.edu/files/fullsize/4daf345cc19605a545e2b26450e9f70a.jpg)
Detail showing "Flower de Hundred" and Windmill Point, from Joshua Fry and Peter Jefferson, Map of the Inhabited Part of Virginia.... London: Thos. Jefferys, [1751].
Tracy W. McGregor Library of American History, Special Collections (A 1751 .F79)
Archaeologists have noted the presence of American Indians at Flowerdew Hundred starting as early as 8000 BC.
The major time periods for Virginia Indian history, as designated by archaeologists are:
8000 - 1200 BC Archaic
1200 - 500 BC Early Woodland
500 BC - AD 900 Middle Woodland
AD 900 - 1600 Late Woodland
Successive groups of Virginia Indians began to occupy Flowerdew Hundredduring the Archaic to Late Woodland Periods and well into the 17th century, when European colonists arrived, marking the beginning of the Early Colonial Period. This exhibition highlights Virginia Indian artifacts ranging in date from the Archaic Period through the Early Colonial Period (1600-1650), and materials from several colonial contexts dating roughly from 1618 to 1650.