Fighting for France: 1917
2 January, Escadrille Number 124
Received news of Howard's death. William Thaw, Charles C. Johnson, Dudley L. Hill, and Paul A. Rockwell left for the United States. Apparently the Escadrille has a reputation for heavy drinking in Paris. Tells Marcelle that he doesn't know how he got along without the cigarette case she gave him for Christmas--"it's a beaut."
7 January, Escadrille Number 124
McConnell tells Marcelle that William Thaw and Charles C. Johnson returned from the United States. First flying day that he has had in a long time. He goes on to describe the flight activity between the Escadrille and the Germans. James postponed his leave so that his friend Victor Lufbery could take it.
10 February, Escadrille
Orders have been received not to cross the lines. He and Lieutenant de Laage de Meux have volunteered to go "sausage" chasing. A fellow by the name of Bigelow has been playing the piano at the Escadrille. He had a wonderful time with Marcelle in Paris.
14 February, H.O.E. 7/1 Ambulance 6/10
McConnell is in the hospital with back pains again. He has an uncontrollable "itch" to get back up in the skies.
20 February
Describes to Marcelle that he has been meeting men of many races.
26 February
"It has been beautiful the last two days. Just like spring. Its warm and there is that indefinable sweet smell in the air that goes with the rebirth of growing things." This letter also includes a description of Marcelle ("She looked ravishingly pretty and her manner was cordiality itself") written by Betty Baldwin, with which McConnell wholeheartedly agrees.