- The Grand Design: Jefferson's Rotunda, 1823 to 1895
- Authorization to Build the Library
- Funding for the University Library
- Appointment of the First Librarian
- Advertisement to Solicit Donations
- President Jefferson's Catalogue of Books for the University of Virginia Library
- Catalogue of the Library of the University of Virginia (1828)
- The Great Fire
- The Rebuilding
- The New Rotunda
- _________________
- Keepsake publication
- Bibliography
- Credits
- Related Resources
Authorization to Build the Library

1822 Oct. 11. Thomas Jefferson, Monticello to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, University of Virginia. ALS. 2 pp. endorsed.
In 1822 Jefferson sent a copy of resolution of the Board of Visitors, authorizing the building of the library and an advertisement for the Richmond Enquirer and the Charlottesville Central Gazette regarding collection of University subscriptions in arrears.
At a meeting of the Visitors Etc on Monday the 7th of Oct. 1822:
"Resolved that the Proctor be instructed to enter into conferences with such skilful and responsible undertakers as he would approve for the building of the Library, on the plan heretofore proposed, and now in his possession and to procure from them declarations of the smallest sums for which they will under-take the different portions of the work of the said building each portion to be done
as well, in materials, manner & sufficiency as the best of the same kind of work already done in the preceding buildings, or as well and sufficiently as shall now be agreed on: that (omitting the capitels [sic] of the columns, which would be procured elsewhere_) the several other portions be specified under such general heads and details as may be convenient to shew [sic] the cost of each,
and by whom undertaken, fixing also the time within which each portion shall be compleated [sic]: and that his agreements be provisional only, and subject to the future acceptance or refusal of the Visitors.
Th Jefferson Rector"
Advertisement for the Richmond Enquirer and Central Gazette:
"University of Virginia.
The subscribers to this institution (commenced under the name of the Central College, but called afterwards the University of Virginia, with the approbation of a Majority) are informed that in the course of the ensuing month of November they will be applied to by a Collector for the arrears of their subscriptions. While the buildings could be carried on from other resources it was left to the subscribers to pay at their convenience, and much has been paid. but [sic] the state of the funds of the University, and the wants of the workmen now render a call necessary on those who have not yet paid up their whole instalments. it [sic] is hoped therefore that the same liberality, and zeal for providing the means of education within our own state which induced them to promise contributions for this purpose, will lead to the fulfilment [sic] of their engagements now when become absolutely necessary to do justice to those who have yielded their services on the faith of these engagements.
A.S. Brockenbrough. Proctor."