- The Grand Design: Jefferson's Rotunda, 1823 to 1895
- Authorization to Build the Library
- Funding for the University Library
- Appointment of the First Librarian
- Advertisement to Solicit Donations
- President Jefferson's Catalogue of Books for the University of Virginia Library
- Catalogue of the Library of the University of Virginia (1828)
- The Great Fire
- The Rebuilding
- The New Rotunda
- _________________
- Keepsake publication
- Bibliography
- Credits
- Related Resources

2164 1825 Mar. 31 Thomas Jefferson to John Vaughan Kean. 1 p. ALS. file draft, endorsed by Thomas Jefferson
Appointment of the First Librarian
Appointment as Librarian at the salary of $150 per year. The following is a statement of his duties.
"To Mr. John V. Kain [sic]
Sir Mar. 30 .25
You are hereby appointed Librarian to the University of Virginia, with a compensation of 150. D. a year to be paid by the Proctor from the funds of the University an important part of your charge will be to keep the books in a state of sound preservation, undamaged and free from injury by moisture or other accident, and in their stated arrangement on the shelves according to the method and order of their catalogues. your other general duties and rules of conduct are prescribed in the printed collection of the enactments of the Board of Visitors, of these rules the Board will expect the strictest observance from yourself on your part and that you take care use the utmost vigilance that they be strictly observed by others. Given under my hand this 30th day of Mar. 1825.
ThJ Rector of the University"