- The Grand Design: Jefferson's Rotunda, 1823 to 1895
- Authorization to Build the Library
- Funding for the University Library
- Appointment of the First Librarian
- Advertisement to Solicit Donations
- President Jefferson's Catalogue of Books for the University of Virginia Library
- Catalogue of the Library of the University of Virginia (1828)
- The Great Fire
- The Rebuilding
- The New Rotunda
- _________________
- Keepsake publication
- Bibliography
- Credits
- Related Resources

2174 1825 Apr. 28. Thomas Jefferson, Monticello to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, University of Virginia. ALS. 2 pp. endorsed by Thomas Jefferson
Advertisement to Solicit Donations
Draft of advertisement requesting book donations for University Library to be inserted in the Richmond Enquirer and the Charlottesville Central Gazette. Advertisement mentions donations from [John?] Hansford of King George County, Bernard Moore Carter of London, and Joseph Coolidge, Jr. of Boston.
"University of Virginia
The University of Virginia has at different times, recieved [sic] from public-spirited citizens as well her own as of other states, donations of books, more or fewer in number, but all acceptable. all contributing to the instruction of the youths confided to her care, and whom she hopes to restore to their country with increased science and virtue, & qualities to succeed worthily to the future charge of it's government, it's liberty, it's fame and prosperity. Mr Hansford, of the county of King George had made an early present of some good books to the University. Mr Bernard Moore Carter, a native of Virginia, now resident in London, has lately sent a valuable collection of between and 3. and 400. volumes, well chosen,and well bound; and more recently, Mr Coolidge,a gentleman of Boston, has given nearly an hundred volumes, of peculiar choice and value, and notice of other intended donations have been recieved [sic] from others who may be assured that their talent shall not be hidden in the earth.
Th.Jefferson requests Mr Brockenbrough to have the annexed paragraph inserted in the Central gazette and the Enquirer.
Apr. 28. 25."