The Aviator : Photographs

The Aviator, ca. 1920
This view shows the statue as it would have looked shortly after its installation and dedication in June, 1919.

The Aviator, Miller Hall, and Memorial Gymnasium
This photograph was taken after the construction of Memorial Gymnasium, but before the that of Alderman Library in 1938; the view shows the statue's original relationship to Miller Hall. Note that much of vegetation surrounding the statue has been removed.

The Aviator, ca. 1943
This photograph taken in the mid-1940s (after the construction of Alderman Library) shows elimination of the statue's leafy setting; the statue now serves as the terminus for the walkway in front of the library.

The Aviator, ca. 1965 (front)
These views show the statue in the setting it occupied for middle part of the 20th century.