Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. Mrs. Hale’s Receipts for the Million. Containing Four Thousand Five Hundred and Forty-Five Receipts, Facts, Directions, Etc. in the Useful, Ornamental, and Domestic Arts, and in the Conduct of Life. Being a Complete Family Directory...
Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson, [c. 1857].
Most Flavorful I
Mary Had a Little Lamb, A Little Beef, A Little Ham ...
This is a typical 19th-century recipe book which contained not only recipes but instruction in home economics as well. Sarah Josepha Hale was an editor for Lady’s Magazine (1828-1837) and later Godey’s Lady’s Book (1837-1877). She was a strong advocate of higher education for women, and believed that women were "God’s appointed agents for morality in the world." She is perhaps best known as the author of the poem "Mary’s Lamb" published in Poems for Our Children in 1830. (See also “Newest.”)
Cooking with M. F. K. Fisher
Both of these colorful works are fine examples of Fisher’s ability to combine her favorite things, good food, wine, reading and writing. Here Let Us Feast is a book about feasting, a collection of a variety of sources to prove "man’s fundamental need to celebrate."
The other work displayed here, How to Cook a Wolf, is a philosophical look at living well, with chapter titles like, "How to be Cheerful though Starving" and "How to Make a Pigeon Cry." These and many other works of M.F.K. Fisher are a flavorful addition to our collection.
Cooking with Mary Jane
Selected titles from the Tatum Collection.
The Tatum Collection includes literature, poetry, philosophy, and music from the late fifties, the sixties, and early seventies, as well as other documents of those years, such as these cookbooks. Beatniks, Hippies, and flower children are represented in this collection.
White Fruitcake
Used as a holiday greeting from Eudora Welty and her publishers. Limited to four hundred and fifty copies, originally published in December, 1980. This greeting sent out to many contains a detailed recipe for making one of her favorite confections. Welty is known for her short stories and novels like The Robber Bridegroom and Delta Wedding.