Most Outrageous
Junkie, Burrough’s first published novel, detailed his experience with drug addiction and its harrowing subculture in the late forties and early fifties. Junkie was written using the pseudonym William Lee. This, an Ace "double book," features Maurice Hebrant’s Narcotic Agent on the reverse.
From Andy Warhol’s Factory
An unnerving compilation of interviews, art inserts, pop-ups, photographs, recording discs, and insightful descriptions of life at his infamous Factory in New York, this "index" features such Factory luminaries as The Velvet Underground, Nico, Edie Sedgewick, and Ingrid Superstar, among a host of others. The landscape of the book is interspersed with stills from some of Warhol’s most memorable movies.
Known primarily as the woman who shot Andy Warhol, Ms. Solanas in this manifesto lays out in chilling detail her answers to many of society’s ills and injustices. Her disciples have not become legion, luckily for the half of the human population with a Y-chromosome.
Head Comix
Head Comix, written and illustrated by R. Crumb, became, along with his Zap Comix, a bible of the sixties movement, and introduced such illustrious characters as Mr. Natural, Fritz the Cat, Whiteman, and Angelfood McSpade aka Angelfood McDevilfood.

Romney, Hugh. The Hog Farm and Friends, by Wavy Gravy as told to Hugh Romney and Vice Versa. Forward by Ken Kesey. New York, London: Links, [distributed by Quick Fox, 1974].
Hog Farm
The infamous Hog Farm, located somewhere in the high deserts of Southern California, was a notorious Hippie commune given to lavish expressions of drugs, sex, and rock and roll. The Hog Farm and Friends captures the ambience of the farm and gives a short biographical account of its many residents.