Further Reading
Editions of the complete works of Rabelais
Rabelais, François. Œuvres complètes. Editor, Mireille Huchon, with the collaboration of François Moreau. Paris: Gallimard, c1994. (Pléïade edition)
Rabelais, François. Œuvres complètes. Editor, Pierre Jourda, with a new bibliography by Christiane Lauvergnat-Gagnière. Paris : Garnier, 1991.
Rabelais, François. Les Cinq livres. Editors, Jean Céard, Gérard Defaux, and Michel Simonin. Livre de Poche, 1994.
English translation
Rabelais, François. The Complete Works. Trans. By Donald Frame, with an introduction by Ray LaCharité. Berkeley: U of California Press, 1991.
Bibliography of all early editions of Rabelais’s works
Rawles, Stephen, and Michael Screech. A new Rabelais bibliography: editions of Rabelais before 1626. Geneva: Droz, 1987.
About Rabelais and his books
Bakhtin, Mikhail. Rabelais and His World. Trans. Hélène Iswolsky. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1968.
Bowen, Barbara C. Enter Rabelais, Laughing. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 1998.
Duval, Edwin M. The Design of Rabelais’s Pantagruel. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1991.
---. The Design of Rabelais’s Tiers Livre de Pantagruel. Geneva: Droz, 1997.
---. The Design of Rabelais’s Quart Livre de Pantagruel. Geneva: Droz, 1998.
Gray, Floyd. Rabelais et le comique du discontinu. Paris: Honoré Champion, 1994.
Greene, Thomas. Rabelais: A Study in Comic Courage. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, [1970].
Jeanneret, Michel. Le défi des signes. Rabelais et la crise de l’interprétation à la Renaissance. Orléans-Caen: Paradigme, 1994.
Rigolot, François. Les langages de Rabelais. Geneva: Droz, 1996.
Screech, Michael. Rabelais. London: Duckworth, 1979.
Zegura, Elizabeth Chesney, ed. The Rabelais Encyclopedia. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2004.
The works cited above reflect some of the many different scholarly approaches to Rabelais and provide bibliographical references for additional study. This short list conveys only a small sample, however, of the depth and variety of studies devoted to Rabelais and his books. |
Internet Resources
Renaissance-France.org: Portail de la Renaissance Française-Rabelais et la Renaissance: excellent French site with biography, extensive background information, summaries and commentary for each book, and a “petit glossaire rabelaisien.”
Dossier pédagogique-François Rabelais — on the website of the French national library. The dossier presents basic biographical information and an overview of Rabelais’s works and key concepts encountered in them.
Rabelais à haute voix: Excellent audio recordings of selections, in mp3 file format that is easily downloaded.
Example: Rabelais à haute voix | le Quart-Livre The recording (mp3 file) of Ch. LV (“Comment en haulte mer Pantagruel ouyt diverses parolles degelees”) of the Quart Livre here is nearly identical to the 1552 text of the Gordon Collection volume, corresponding to p.115 recto-117 recto in the digital facsimile of Gordon 1552 .R26. Open the facsimile and the recording in different windows to listen to the recording while following along in the corresponding text. |
Bibliographie pour l’Agrégation des Lettres 2012. Rabelais, Le Quart Livre. (Incorporates information from previous Rabelais bibliographies for the Agrégation)
Rabelais et Son Temps: presents numerous illustrations (reproductions of book pages) relevant to Rabelais’s books and his era. The site also includes links to statistical lexical studies of Rabelais’s books.
Works by Rabelais in image format on other websites
Bibliothèque virtuelles humanistes — includes two works by Rabelais in high-quality image format with accompanying bibliographical notices.
Les oeuvres de M. Francois Rabelais. A Lyon., 1564.
Tiers livre des faictz et dictz heroïques du noble Pantagruel.A Paris : Par Chrestien Wechel, 1546.
Transcriptions of Rabelais’s books available online
FORSE (Fonds Rabelais et ses Sources En ligne) — Rabelais database (sources, works, images, main editions and manuscripts).
Transcription of Pantagruel (Athena), based on text of the editio princeps of 1532, with additions noted from the 1533 edition.
Transcription of the Pantagrueline Prognostication (Athena).
Transcription of Gargantua (Athena), based on the text of the editio princeps of 1534, with corrections from the 1535 edition published by François Juste.
Transcription of Gargantua (ABU), from the Garnier Edition (published in the late nineteenth century), which was based on the edition published by François Juste in 1542 (the last edition reviewed by Rabelais himself).
Transcription of the Tiers Livre (Athena), based on the edition published by Michel Fezandat in 1552.
Transcription of the Quart Livre (Athena), based on the microfilm of the Michel Fezendat edition of 1552.