Further Reading
Modern Editions:
Scève, Maurice. Délie, Object de plus haulte vertu. 2 vols. Critical edition by Gérard Defaux. Geneva: Droz, 2004.
---. Delie. Object de plus haulte vertu. Critical edition by Eugène Parturier [Paris: Hachette,1916], reedited by Cécile Alduy. Paris: STFM, 2001.
---. Delie. Object de plus haute vertu. Critical edition by Françoise Joukovsky. Paris : Classiques Garnier, 1996.
---. Délie, Objet de plus haute vertu. Edition by Françoise Charpentier. Paris: Gallimard, 1984.
---. The "Delie" of Maurice Scève. Critical edition by I. D. McFarlane. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 1966.
---. Emblems of desire : selections from the "Délie" of Maurice Scève. Edition and translation by Richard Sieburth. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania
P, 2003.
---. The entry of Henri II into Lyon : september 1548 / Maurice Scève; a Facsimile with an Introduction by Richard Cooper. Tempe, Arizona : Medieval & Renaissanc Texts & Studies, 1997.
Recent Books on the Délie:
DellaNeva, JoAnn. Song and Counter-Song: Scève’s "Délie" and Petrarch’s "Rime." Lexington, Kentucky: French Forum, 1983.
Frelick, Nancy. Délie as Other: Toward a Poetics of Desire in Scève’s “Délie.” Lexington, Kentucky: French Forum, 1994.
Helgeson, James. Harmonie divine et subjectivité poétique chez Maurice Scève. Geneva: Droz, 2001.
Hunkeler, Thomas. Le Vif du sens: Corps et poésie selon Maurice Scève. Geneva: Droz, 2003.
Nash, Jerry C. The Love Aesthetics of Maurice Scève: Poetry and Struggle. Cambridge: UP, 1991. (2nd ed. 2006).
Skenazi, Cynthia. Maurice Scève et la pensée chrétienne. Geneva: Droz, 1992.
Tetel, Marcel. Lectures scéviennes: L’emblème et les mots. Paris: Klincksieck, 1983.
Bibliography of Maurice Scève:
Alduy, Cécile. Maurice Scève. Bibliographie des Ecrivains français. Rome: Memini, 2006.
Internet Resources
French Emblems at Glasgow: This project includes a high-quality facsimile and transcription of the 1544 edition, with bibliographical description, select secondary bibliography, and an introduction with commentary on the emblematic format of the book.
Gallica: The "Bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliothèque nationale de France" includes a facsimile in .pdf format of the 1544 edition and the 1564 edition (with the title page for Norment/Bruneau).